
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Fruit water, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Starch production(wet starch).
 Transport-warter, Potato washing.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Starch production(wet starch), Fruit water, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Starch production(wet starch), Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Starch production(wet starch), Fruit water.
 Potato washing, Crisps production.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Fruit water, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Fruit water, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Starch production(wet starch), Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Starch production(wet starch), Fruit water.
 Transport-warter, Potato washing, Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Fruit water, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Potato washing.
 Production of french fries(waterknife), Starch production(wet starch), Alcohol production, Dried and mashed potatoes.
 Potato washing, Production of french fries(waterknife), Crisps production, Dried and mashed potatoes.
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